
internal_ions / Internal Ion Explorer


  • Requirements: This only runs on python 3.11 or lower!
  • Recommended: python 3.11.7
  • Packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Packages (alternative, exact version numbers): pip install -r python3117.txt

Development Notes

  • Implement plot functions in util/tab* either in the script in there or preferably write your own plotting function in a seperate script and throw it in the folder (to avoid merge conflicts).
  • Frontend functions should be implemented directly in tab*.py.
  • Frontend functions that are used accross several tabs go into utils.
  • Getting data from other tabs: Access via st.session_state (examples given) in the tab*.py scripts.

Example Data

  • Can be found in data
  • For plotting we use fragment_centric.csv, spectrum_centric.csv (and optionally result.json).

Running the App

  • Install requirements!
  • Run streamlit run

Running the App via Docker

  • Running this app via Docker is possible with docker run -p 8501:8501 michabirklbauer/internalionexplorer:latest